eight hours 'til LOST

It's 12:30 in the afternoon and I'm still in my nightgown. The season finale of LOST is from 9-11 p.m. tonight. Monstro came home late last night and I was awake to greet him after his “why are you still up?”I shrugged and said, “I missed you,” but the unspoken part of that was that I was mourning the loss of Tiny Blonde One. Baby woke up at seven ay-em and it was my turn to get up with him, so I tended his needs for 90 minutes until Monstro burst forth and offered to watch him so I could get more sleep. Bliss. I think I woke up every three minutes last night, and compounded by a seven o'clock wake up call, I was a hurtin' machine.

Julie, the episodes were really good; I think Kristen Bell has energy that others of us only dream of. She is a good argument for vegetarianism and I rarely seek out those arguments. I'm still chuckling over VM's euphamism: Gettin' familiar. The Rob Thomas crack was hilarious, too.

Monstro is off to the Post Office to send out the Tau city he's been working on for five weeks. It looks great. I love how he can re-purpose Chinese food delivery containers into an airbase. The pieces have a beige/orange/turquoise vibe that I picture Cameron Diaz wearing while she's hanging out with someone fabulous.

I have to run to the basement to get the clean towels out of the dryer — we can't use the “high heat” setting because it makes our clothes smell like rubber hose, so we're always stuck doing two dryer-cycles on “low”, which always makes me finish laundry too late at night to go get — then I can get out of my nightgown, shower, and put on some of the Wal-Mart designer clothes I bought yesterday (no joke!).

Please do note that I only go to Wal-Mart twice a year and each time I spend less than $100.

Oh, and happy summer vacation to Katherine who QUIT HER JOB of 10+ years. Whoo!!!

Bye, Veronica. Sigh.

Just watched the last two episodes of “Veronica Mars” and my seethe has soothed to resigned head-hangedness. People have said that it's slipped but it's still the most thought-provoking “teen” stories out there. I mean, One Tree Hill? Smallville? Who the h*ll cares? And that Chad Michael Murray guy is a disgusting horn dog.

So, eew. No more Daddy (Sheriff!) Mars, Mac, Wallace, heck, even Logan and Piz. In its place? The Pussycat Dolls.

I think I'll go barf and then rest my weary soul with the Eschaton episode in Infinite Jest. Oh, and I hope Dawn Ostroff gets scabies.


I've never been tagged with a meme, and so I suppose it's appropriate that my first tagger is none other than Monstro.

The meme:
1. Add a direct link to your post below the name of the person who tagged you. Include the city/state and country you’re in.
Nicole (Sydney, Australia)
velverse (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
LB (San Giovanni in Marignano, Italy)
Selba (Jakarta, Indonesia)
Olivia (London, England)
ML (Utah, USA)
Lotus (Toronto, Canada)
tanabata (Saitama, Japan)
Andi (Dallas [ish], Texas, United States)
Todd (Louisville, Kentucky, United States)
miss kendra (los angeles, california, u.s.a)
Jiggs Casey (Berkeley, CA, USA! USA! USA!)
Tits McGee (New England, USA)
Kat (Ontario, Canada)
Cheezy (London, England)
Paula (Orange County, California, U.S.)
Jeff (Colorado, USA)
Fringes (around Houston, US)
Monstro D. Whale (New England, MA)
Motormouth (New England, MA)

2. List your top five local eating places.

OK. Moshi Moshi, because we just dropped a hundred bucks on lunch there Saturday and if you're gonna eat like you're rich, you might as well do it there.

Big Y supermarket will steam live lobsters for you and the cost is considerably less than Moshi Moshi.

Hmm, now it's getting tougher. OK: Burger King (I'm a slave to the Whopper Jr. with extra pickles), anyplace with a play area, and La Victoria Taqueria in San Jose (because New England is just a state of mind). That was hard.

3. (I'm adding here, because a one-question meme seems, well, lame)

List your top five favorite eating places from childhood:

Spenger's, Buttercup Pantry, Nation's Giant Hamburgers, the Italian place on Clayton Road we used to go to, and Skipolini's Pizza. That was easy!

4. Tag five people and let them know they've been tagged:


Ms. Strega


Steve Sloan

Comtesse Lefty

Another Quiz, 'cause Carlin likes 'em

You scored as Albus Dumbledore. Strong and powerful you admirably defend your world and your charges against those who would seek to harm them. However sometimes you can fail to do what you must because you care too much to cause suffering.

Albus Dumbledore


Draco Malfoy


Harry Potter


Severus Snape


Ron Weasley


Ginny Weasley


Hermione Granger


Remus Lupin


Sirius Black


Lord Voldemort


Your Harry Potter Alter Ego Is…?
created with QuizFarm.com

More “Jest”-ing

OK. That's better.

Much has been made of the mold that Hal eats as a baby, and how it opens him to the experience of Pemulis's throwback drug. But John Wayne took the drug and himself had a reaction to it.

Also, I believe that Hal is permanently disabled by the drug, WHICH he has ALREADY taken when he happens across the luckless Ortho Stice stuck to the window. Hal seems fine, but Ortho immediately thinks Hal is crying, or upset. Later, the janitors (i.e. Hamlet's gravediggers) also believe that Hal is mugging in a way Hal never intended — and when Hal looks at himself in the mirror, his visage is composed and demure.

Once Hal reaches the Whataburger tournament (which happens two weeks after Stice's defenestration? Does that sound about right?), Hal believes he is speaking eloquently while the Arizona admissions people only hear horrifying gutteral grunts from him — horrifying enough to call an ambulance.

The day of Stice's window mishap, Pemulis discovers eight ceiling panels on the floor his sneaker / drug mule and its contents are nowhere to be found.

Did the ghost remove the sneaker, give it to Hal, and then bolt whosit's bed to whomever's room (Axelford? Troelsch?) it was? Nobody heard the ghost bolt up the bed, so the removal of eight ceiling panels would almost certainly be a quiet act for him.

Interesting too, that at ETA Incandenza's spirit is a ghost, while Don Gately refers to it as a “wraith.” Of course, Gately might have the advantage, so to speak, as he is able to see Incandenza's ghostly image.

the positivity continues

I have heard back from the PTB at The Make a Death Wish Foundation. He reports that although he doesn't read many plays, he ended mine wanting more.

Which I'm taking to mean that it's not overwritten, yet. Fantastic! I've also sent the fourth draft to TDS (aka Ed), who read an earlier draft and now will read the fourth. Prolly do the same with Illustrious Anne

Gerry, man, if you're lurking: I'm writing this one special, just for you.

Another great day for public school[teachers]

When [a] student asked the question about taking part in [peace] demonstrations, Mayer said, she replied that there were peace marches in Bloomington, that she blew her horn whenever she saw a “Honk for Peace” sign, and that people should seek peaceful solutions before going to war.

A student complained to her father, who complained to the principal, who canceled the school's annual “Peace Month” observance and told Mayer never to discuss the war or her political views in class.

Read the rest for yourself.