Royal Wedding guilt

When 9/11 happened, I lived in the Santa Cruz Mountains with no TV. I read the news but didn't see it. While out the next night for Shannon's birthday at Original Joe's, I sat with my back to the news. Even now, I can honestly say I've seen a mere handful of video captures from that horrible day.

And now, today, Britain's Prince William married Catherine Middleton and she was so beautiful and his uniform was Irish and Westminster Abbey, hard to find a place holier, and the entire event choreographed to high pomp and… eyepiercingly lovely and right, a London fairytale.

And MFM's a total anglophile and would have loved to have watched it with me, and she started watching at 6:00, but I didn't set my alarm and I didn't end up coming downstairs until the young marrieds were happily-ever-after-ing to Buckingham Palace in the convertible coach.

And yeah, of course I DVRd it on the TV in the family room and maybe we'll watch it tomorrow, or this weekend, but I feel guilty. I never manned up to watch any 9/11 videos, the most violent images to be filmed on U.S. soil. What's my worthiness factor for commemorating the happiest and fanciest day of this new millennium?

(Linking my thoughts of the Royal Wedding with NYC mass murder. These connections will be a real boon to the stand-up I'm writing.)

turns out my slideshow is close to awesome

I'd never clicked “slideshow” before, but then TA said she'd just done it and enjoyed it, so I clicked to the Lex in the Snow photo and right above the comments line where it says Posted to: you click the (View as slideshow) link. Some of the connections are funny-creepy but all the photos are safe for work yes, I promise and I have a BA in photojournalism so they mostly don't suck, and it goes pretty quick if you set it for two seconds a picture, and that's all I have to say about that.

motormouth is nsfw

This motormouth blog is Not Safe For Work (NSFW): not because of photos or movies or whatever the Internet has nowadays, but for rather the words I use to convey my master's-in-fine-arts-in-creative-writing thoughts. You can be assured that I am well-trained and mostly know what I'm doing when I sit before a keyboard (though sometimes when I don't, it's fun to see what happens, like the post directly below this, which uses a dirty word for a different context that has actually to pertain to the Free Market), and you'll probably find that 60-percent of the time you'll enjoy me here, mostly.

So if you can't hack it, go here, directly to one of my top-three favorite Web sites that IS ALWAYS safe for work, unless your job has some sort of cute sanction at play (at work).

Thanks and love, (hi Katherine!)


note about Facebook and the market-at-large

If you are a company and your company is on Facebook and you don't let people send you messages –let alone write on your wall– then you are a coward and don't deserve to participate in the market. Period. Because for the market to work in a way that everyone achieves fulfillment, each leader must lead at least as strongly as someone who puts a face to it, someone who is willing to double-team information (you know what I mean by double-team. read: not porny).

Capitalism works better when the market can respond in not merely singluar but also via binary and quadindary* and dodechahedronary (hi Brandon🙂 channels, etc. Facebook is the same way; the only way to really work to maximumly satiate the world it is to push it to its limits. It's certainly the new SEO.

(These many-within-one channel bundle might also have something to do with why so many people die from addiction to World of Warcraft, but that's for another time, because Biggest Loser has been DVRing for the past hour and I can probably fast forward through all the ads and the boring drama stuff and get to how the person who gets kicked out looks today.)

* Funny, spell check wants to change this to quandry

hello my darlings

Things around Casa de Motormouth are settling down to bearable chaos. Still getting up w/ MFM in the night but last night I was actually able to return to sleep: victory! The home-care agency has been very helpful and it's been great to rely on them 10 hours/week to watch out for mom while also doing her laundry / cleaning. Such a blessing.

The children are getting a little wild and I'm chalking that up to too much TV — really, if winter would ever end, I would be thrilled to frickin' death. Even when it's sunny the wind bites right through you.

I applied for a part-time job a few weeks ago and though I haven't heard about an interview yet, I have insider information that states it takes a long time for them to get to the interview process, so in the meanwhile I'm chugging away on client work and keeping the house clean and the family fed and the cats, well, cats.

I'm nearly done with our 2010 taxes and that's a huge load off my mind. Not quite ready to hit the submit button, but I'll get there soon.

And, tonight, a friend is coming in to MFM-sit and I'm going out to a lovely salon to get my hair cut for the first time since I had my portrait taken in December. Can't wait to feel like a woman again.