Let me warn you that if Southwest Airlines rolls out its new San Antonio trial boarding policy nationwide, you parents of small children will be choosing to take your business elsewhere.
We hadn't been in San Jose longer than two miles before I saw the first “Mystery Spot” bumper sticker. Ten miles later, a Lee Industrial Catering taco truck. It's good to be home.
Sorry dear darling MFA/SJ buddies but I'm pretty wrapped up with parental stuff, not the least of which involves being the officiant at my dad's wedding next weekend, so a trip to see y'all is not in the cards this time. It hurts me more than it hurts you, I'm pretty sure.
Back to laundry!
I know!!! Please don't be offended, you know what's up. I look forward to a long catch-up phone call with you once we're back in MA — because we'll have to have SOMETHING to look forward to once we're back in MA…
I am in no way offended. Though I am a bad friend for not returning your phone call for three weeks. We'll definitely chat once you're back “home.” When will that be?
Relieved — I thought I owed YOU a phone call! Glad the shoe's on the other foot. 🙂 I'll give you a buzz late next week, once Lex is settled into nursery school and I've got my laundry done.
Just remember…